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Kathryn Langenfeld
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Postdoctoral Felllow
Advisors: Melissa Duhaime and Krista Wigginton
2024, Postdoc, Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
2022, Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2018, MSE, Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2016, BSE, Civil Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
2016, BS, Mathematics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Research Interests:
My research implements metagenomics to study viruses. I am currently exploring viruses in the human respiratory tract metagenomes to identify biomarkers of human respiratory emissions.
Current Research Projects:
MITIGATE FLU (Multidisciplinary InvesTIGation to Ease inFLUenza)
Select Publications:
Langenfeld, K., Hegarty, B., Vidaurri, S., Crossette, E., Wigginton, K., Duhaime, M. (2024). A quantitative metagenomic approach to determine population concentrations with examination of quantitative limitations, bioRxiv.
Langenfeld, K., Chin, K., Wigginton, K., Duhaime, M. (2021) Comparison of ultrafiltration and iron chloride flocculation in the preparation of aquatic viromes from contrasting sample types, PeerJ, 9:e11111.