CEE 365: Environmental Engineering Principles
Fall 2013, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2018, Fall 2022
This class provides an introduction to mass balance modeling of contaminant fate, transport and removal in the environment; commonly used reactor configurations for water and air quality control; partitioning of contaminants among environmental media; contaminant types and sources; regional and global contemporary environmental issues. Textbook: Environmental Engineering Science by Nazaroff and Alverez Cohen
CEE 597: Environmental Organic Chemistry
Winter 2013, Winter 2014, Winter 2017, Winter 2019, Fall 2023
This course focuses on the behavior and transformation of anthropogenic chemicals in the environment. Specific topics include sorption, volatilization, air-water exchange, and transformation processes (e.g., hydrolysis, photolysis, redox, etc.). Throughout the course, predictive tools for the fate and transport of chemicals in the environment are developed using chemical molecular properties. Textbook: Environmental Organic Chemistry by Schwarzenbach, Gschwend, Imboden
CEE 465: Environmental Process Engineering
Winter 2022, Winter 2024
An introduction to the analysis, characterization and principles of physical, chemical and biological processes, operations and reactor configurations commonly used for water quality control; preliminary design of specific water and wastewater treatment processes and operations; discussion of economic and legislative constraints and requirements.